
Can I Have Medicare With Other Health Insurance?

If you have major health insurance but still wish to enroll in a Medicare plan, you may be wondering how Medicare benefits interact with other health insurance. Fortunately, it is possible to have Medicare and other forms of insurance at the same time. Though, the way your plans interact with another varies depending on which type of secondary coverage you have. 

How Medicare Works With Other Insurance

If you have Medicare and another health insurance plan, each type of coverage is referred to as a payer. When you have more than one payer covering you, coordination of benefits rules will decide which insurer pays for what. The primary payer typically pays what it owes on bills first, then the rest is sent to the secondary payer. In some cases, you may even have a third payer involved. 

Primary Payer vs. Secondary Payer

The primary payer pays up to the limits of its coverage first. Then, the secondary payer may pay if there are costs that weren’t covered by the primary payer. The secondary payer, which in some cases may be Medicare, may not pay all of the remaining costs. It’s also important to note that group health plans may not pay as secondary payers unless you enroll in Medicare Part B. 

What If Your Insurance Company Doesn’t Pay?

If your insurance company doesn’t pay your claim immediately, your provider may bill Medicare directly instead. Sometimes, Medicare may make a conditional payment to remove the bill, but they usually make efforts to recover payments that should have been made by the primary payer. 

Have Questions About Coordination Of Benefits?

If you plan on having other health care coverage in addition to Medicare, you may need help learning how these plans will interact. Contact an insurance agent today to learn how your plans will work. You can schedule a free consultation with Insured For Life by calling 888-989-0079.