
Can You Choose The Same Medicare Plan As Your Spouse?

When you reach retirement age, you get a new option for health insurance coverage. Through Medicare, millions of Americans receive affordable health insurance coverage. But what if you’re married and are shopping for a plan? 

Many people don’t know whether they should enroll in the same plan as their spouse or get their own coverage. We’re here to help you find the answers you need. 

What Is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program that offers coverage to people aged 65 and older. There are 4 parts of Medicare, including:

  • Part A hospital insurance
  • Part B medical insurance
  • Part C Medicare Advantage
  • Part D prescription drug coverage

You can choose which parts you want to sign up for during the enrollment process. Though, most people choose Part A and Part B, which is also known as Original Medicare. Through Original Medicare, you can have most of your health care needs taken care of at a low cost. 

Do Couples Need The Same Medicare Plan?

Usually, it doesn’t make sense to purchase an insurance plan just because someone else has that plan. You should almost always choose your coverage based on your own needs rather than someone else’s. There is an exception — if you and your spouse are both offered retiree coverage, you may end up in a generous plan that wouldn’t be available to most Medicare enrollees. 

When To Get The Same Medicare Plan As Your Spouse

You should generally choose your Medicare plan based on your own individual health care needs. Although sometimes it makes sense to get the same plan as your spouse. Even if you do, the premiums and cost-sharing for your plan will be based on each individual. This is the case regardless of whether you enroll in the same plan. 

You can individualize your coverage while still having the same plan. For example, if one spouse sees a doctor who only accepts a specific Advantage plan, they may choose a plan that offers access to that doctor. The other spouse might not need to see that doctor, but if the benefits are adequate that plan could make sense. The same applies to other forms of Medicare coverage, like Part D plans and Original Medicare. 

Find a Medicare Plan For You and Your Spouse

Whether you want to have the same plan as your spouse or two different plans, you have options when it comes to Medicare. Insured For Life can help you obtain the coverage you need at an affordable cost. We’ll also help you with enrollment if necessary. 

To learn more about Medicare plans and how you can sign up, give us a call at 1-888-989-0079.