
Auto Insurance

What Happens If You’re Hit By An Uninsured Driver?

Insurance exists to protect you from financial catastrophe when unexpected circumstances, like car accidents, occur. Yet, if you don’t have the appropriate coverage, being hit by an uninsured driver may not be a covered incident. That’s why you need to consider uninsured driver insurance.  Handling an Uninsured Driver Accident A minimum amount of liability car

What Happens If You’re Hit By An Uninsured Driver? Read More »

Comprehensive Auto Insurance

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

Comprehensive car insurance covers damage caused by events other than collisions. That includes contact with animals, natural disasters, fire, vandalism, theft, fallen objects, and broken windshield. This is an optional coverage that you can add once you have the required liability and collision coverage. Choosing to buy comprehensive coverage can help protect your car and

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover? Read More »