
Comprehensive Auto Insurance

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

Comprehensive car insurance covers damage caused by events other than collisions. That includes contact with animals, natural disasters, fire, vandalism, theft, fallen objects, and broken windshield. This is an optional coverage that you can add once you have the required liability and collision coverage. Choosing to buy comprehensive coverage can help protect your car and your investment in case anything goes wrong. Talk to our team to learn more about this coverage.

Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive car insurance covers a variety of disasters other than collisions. These include:

  • Contact with animals
  • Natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, hail, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions
  • Fire
  • Riots and vandalism
  • Theft of the entire car or parts of the car
  • Fallen objects: trees, branches, ice, projectiles
  • Broken windshield

Comprehensive coverage helps to cover the cost of damages to your vehicles. It pays for repairs over your deductible. The comprehensive deductible is the amount you pay before the insurance will start paying for damages by covered events. The higher your deductible, the lower your monthly premium will be and the more financial risk you take on.

This coverage can be used no matter who is at fault for the damage. 

What Does Comprehensive Coverage Not Cover?

Comprehensive coverage is intended to cover things not covered by collision coverage, to give you full coverage when you combine the two. Comprehensive coverage does not cover normal wear and tear on your vehicle, meaning it does not cover:

  • Belts and hoses
  • Brakes
  • Tires
  • Windshield wipers

Do You Need Comprehensive Car Insurance?

Comprehensive coverage is optional coverage for added protection. You may be required to purchase comprehensive coverage if you have financed your vehicle. This protects their interest.

If you have spent a significant amount of money investing in your car, you will want to purchase comprehensive coverage to make sure that you will be able to afford repairs under any circumstances. 

When considering comprehensive coverage, keep in mind how old your car is and how much it has depreciated in value. Cars lose value as soon as they drive off the lot, and the older your vehicle is and the more accident history it has, the less it is worth. You do not want to insure your car for more than it is worth. Liability is an entirely different matter, as is holding the required collision coverage, but comprehensive coverage is extra so it can be your choice.

The team at Insured For Life can help you protect your investment for all that it’s worth. Contact us today to learn more about comprehensive coverage.