
What Happens If You’re Hit By An Uninsured Driver?

Insurance exists to protect you from financial catastrophe when unexpected circumstances, like car accidents, occur. Yet, if you don’t have the appropriate coverage, being hit by an uninsured driver may not be a covered incident. That’s why you need to consider uninsured driver insurance

Handling an Uninsured Driver Accident

A minimum amount of liability car insurance is required to legally operate a vehicle in most states. Yet, many people still choose to drive without insurance. If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, here’s what you should do. 

Call the police

If you ever get into a car accident, it’s always a good idea to call the police. When the other driver is uninsured, calling the police is even more important because having them report the accident will help you get your expenses covered. If you are on the highway, take pictures of the scene of the accident, then move your vehicles to a place where traffic won’t be affected. When the police arrive, explain the circumstances and they’ll begin the reporting process. 

Don’t accept money

Driving without insurance is a crime, one that is usually punished with fines and fees. To avoid these problems, many uninsured drivers will offer you money to avoid any legal repercussions for the accident. Because you can never be sure of how much damages and injuries may cost you, you shouldn’t accept money from the other driver. Even if it seems to be a good deal, you may not be satisfied in the long term. Instead of accepting cash, handle the process through the courts. 

Swap information

Although the other driver doesn’t have insurance information to share, you can get contact details so you can get in touch with them. It’s also important to get contact information from anyone who witnessed the accident. If the case goes to court, they can testify on your behalf to help you get compensation. 

Gather details

Write down the make and model of the vehicle involved and the location and time of the accident. If possible, you should get the name and badge number of the officer who responded to your call too. If there are other relevant details to include, you should note those also. 

Take photos

Pictures can explain things a lot more easily than your words. You should take photos of any relevant scenes to have something to show the insurance company. For example, pictures of the damage on the involved vehicles can help your insurance provider understand the severity of the accident. 

Protect Yourself From Expensive Uninsured Driver Accidents

You shouldn’t be liable for damages caused to your vehicle or person by an uninsured driver. With uninsured driver insurance, you can limit your liability and get financial assistance from your insurer if an uninsured driver hits you. 

To learn more about this helpful form of insurance, contact Insured For Life at 888-989-0079.