
car insurance for all drivers

Who Needs To Be On My Auto Insurance Policy?

Licensed drivers who live with you need to be listed on your policy if they drive your vehicle regularly, as do others who borrow your car on a regular basis. Read on for more details.

Who Needs to Be Listed On Your Auto Policy

Your auto insurance company can factor in who is listed on your policy when determining your premium rates. The insurer also has the ability to run reports to find out if there are any additional drivers or newly licensed drivers that you haven’t listed on your policy. You may also find that a driver that is not listed on your policy can lead to being denied coverage for an accident claim if they were driving your vehicle. It’s important to list any driver who lives with you that may drive your vehicle in case they get into an accident, and you need to submit a claim.

Any family members living in your household who have driver’s licenses will need to be listed on your policy. Any non-family people living in your household who are licensed to drive will need to be listed on your policy if they do not have their own coverage. Any person who drives your vehicle regularly will need to be listed on your policy if they do not have their own insurance.

If you have a teenager with a driver’s permit, they will probably be covered by your auto policy. You will need to notify the insurance company that they have their driver’s permit, though, or you may not be covered if the teen gets into an accident without you having told the insurer.

If you have a teen driver who does not live with you but drives your vehicle, you should list them on your auto insurance policy.

If you have a young adult with their own vehicle living with you, you may need to list them on your policy. People under 18 cannot sign their own auto insurance contract, so they must be on your policy. If this young adult is 18 or older but drives your car sometimes, you will need to have them listed on your policy in case they get into an accident.

If you have a parent living with you and they do not have their own car anymore but occasionally use yours, you will need to have them listed on your policy. 

If you have a neighbor, friend, or relative who does not live with you and does not drive your vehicle on a regular basis, they do not need to be listed on your auto insurance.

If you have a caregiver who drives you around, you only need to add them to your auto insurance policy if they use your car to do so.

Choose to Exclude

You can exclude people who live in your home from your auto insurance policy. Just let the insurance company know. If that excluded person borrows your car and gets in an accident, that person will not be covered.

When to Look for a New Auto Policy

Any time you add or remove a driver from your auto insurance policy that is a good time to reevaluate your coverage. The new driver could lead to a rate increase, especially if they are a teen or senior. With high-risk drivers, you will want to increase the limits of your coverage and may want to add collision or comprehensive coverage, depending on the age and condition of your car.

Our team at Insured for Life can help you find the auto insurance policy you need to cover all of your loved ones. Contact us today to speak with a licensed agent.