
Will Medicare Cover Emergency Room Visits?

If you are enrolled in Medicare Part B, emergency room visits will be covered through that plan. You may pay copayments or a deductible, but the majority of your costs will be covered. To find out what else is covered by Medicare, continue reading. 

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A covers hospital-related services. This means you can get help paying for hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, and home health care, as well as other services. 

Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B covers medically necessary services and preventive health services. Medically necessary services include any services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat a medical condition. These services and supplies must meet accepted standards of medical practice in order to be covered. The covered items in Part B include

Preventive health services are any services designed to prevent illness at an early stage. For example, most Medicare plans cover vaccinations, such as the COVID-19 vaccine and flu shots. 

Does Medicare Cover Emergency Room Visits?

Emergency room visits are typically classified as a medically necessary service. Therefore, it will normally be covered by your Medicare plan. This is the case whether you have Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage. 

Get Started With Medicare

If you aren’t sure about which Medicare plan to purchase, we can help you figure it out. Call Insured For Life now to get detailed instructions on how you can choose the right plan for your specific circumstances.